Wednesday, October 29, 2008


October 3rd- Cold day for a walk...

Until next time...

September 2008

Rebeka's new do for back to school!

Karielle finding a good place to crash out!

Karielle Sept 7th, 15 1/2 months old. Striking a pose!

Summer August 2008

Day trip to PEI - COWS Ice Cream Break! Yummy!

Karielle in stroller after walk at cottage

Beka hanging out on deck at cottage

The other side of the stroller... cool dude!

Karielle later on the weekend swinging away! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Alek's turn... to relax!

The "gang" at the largest lobster in the world - Shediac NB

Someone is tired.

Karielle and mom playing in the golden sand - Dunes in Bouctouche, NB.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sunday July 6th

Well what a month it has been! Karielle has fit in just like a glove! She is a going concern, eating everything in site, sleeping all her nights and wanting to walk all of the time.

We have enjoyed every moment as a family and have had so much fun these last 4 weeks.

Karielle in charge.. again...

Rebeka enjoying time on the boat.

Alek - chillin' out on the boat.

Karielle looking at Bouctouche Dunes

She will take a break anywhere,

Dad & Karielle ready for a snack....

The "cool" bunch...

Speaking of cool?

Here we go.

A new swing just for me at the cottage.

Out on a bout?

Beka enjoying the ride!

Look who just woke up?

Who is in charge here? Alek is a cool dude!

At the cottage July 3rd..

Big sis holding Karielle on front deck...

Karielle in swing - cottage

Playing on front deck at cottage.

Karielle in Rebeka's outfit when she was little..

First boat ride June 29th

Karielle walking with her "squeeky" shoes... driving the dogs nuts!

Kodah... the other doggie at the beach. June 28th

Dad getting attacked by 2 at a time.. not fair!

Another birthday.... this time for Alek! June 14th

We celebrated Alek's b'day a few days late to have it at the cottage on Saturday.

Alek and his Ice Cream cake from you know where....

Rebeka and Karielle relaxing at the cottage

Mom, Alek and Karielle..

Look what Nanna and Grandpapa found in one of the bags for Alek's b'day!

Happy Birthday Karielle!

Of course Karielle's b'day was May 20th, but we waited to celebrate it on June 7th when we had everyone together at home...

First "family" photo.

Alek giving Karielle her gift to play in the bathtub / pool.

Rebeka giving Karielle her gift which involved a mirror... something she loves to do.. look at herself!

Karielle having a piece of her cake... yummy!

Mom & Alek...

Karielle after the big day arriving at cottage.. sleepy.

Monday, June 2, 2008

First week home...

Well, what a week! Karielle has been an absolute angel! She is eating everything, and has been sleeping a solid 10 hours EVERY NIGHT, since the 2nd night here at home!

She is not strange with anyone who she has met here for a short time, then wants back to mom or dad and is just as pleasant as she can be always smiling! She has been fine spending time with both Grand-maman and Nana for long periods of time (3-4 hours). Never one to fuss, she is constantly there with her little smile...

She absolutely loves her brother and sister and loves the interaction with them.

Here are some pics of the week.. enjoy...
Karielle in her swing seat....
In the bouncer...

Still sleeping in car seat after a drive home from the cottage...

Bath time.. she loves the water!

Dairy Queen time with the whole family in the van...

Movie of Karielle in the bouncer.... lots of fun!

First time at the cottage...