Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Life with the whole family...

It has been an amazing few days!

Karielle sleeping in her bed at home for the first time...

Here is Karielle after our first drive as a family on Sunday... she fell asleep so we left her in the seat and brought her in like that...

Karielle sleeping with Rebeka while they were watching TV together...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chantal and Karielle are home at last!!!!

Both arrived at the Moncton International Airport on Saturday May 24th at 11:52AM. First time Dad and Karielle have seen each other in person... priceless...

Both were met by Dad who took them home to meet Karielle's brother and sister- Alek & Rebeka. What a proud sister!

We have enjoyed spending every precious moment with all of our children this weekend and our "New" family. Alek and his new sis out for a walk in the new stroller... what a cool dude!

Love, The Roy's - Nathan, Chantal, Rebeka, Alek, Karielle, and our 2 dogs- Kodah & Max.

Friday, May 23, 2008

All packed, flying home!

Chantal and Karielle are on a flight from Beijing to Vancouver as I write this....

Last pic of Karielle in her bed sleepig like an angel in Beijing....

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Last time together...

Here is a pic of the 4 girls together from the group -
Ella-Ellen-Karielle-Esmée. Two babies will be heading home today for British Columbia and two back home to New Brunswick on Saturday...

Here is Karielle and her "Bed-mate" Ellen. They were bedmates from day one and Ellen will be going home to B.C.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Someone playing before they go to bed...

Karielle is a going concern.... never stops for one minute!

Dairy "Queen"!

We have a Dairy "Queen"!

Alek and Rebeka will be soooo proud!

Supper... Bird made of carrot and turnips... very creative!

Someone got a new hat!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tiananmen Square and Pearl factory... Karielle is the attraction!

Chantal and Karielle went to Tiananmen Square today as well as the Temple of Heaven.

Here is the Pearl factory they went to...

At the Sqaure and the Temple, guess who was the main attraction? Answer: Karielle! The locals were facinated by her!


Happy Birthday Karielle!! 1 yr old today May 20th 2008! She had a very small celebration with Mom so that she can have a BIG party when she get's home with the whole family!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Clinic day, the Tea House, and a day of mourning for China...

First thing this morning Chantal and Karielle went to the SOS clinic for Karielle's final check-up before they leave. Aside from a little cold, she is good to go! She did want to try a french fry though...

They visited a Chinese Traditional Tea House today and were given the full Ceremony experience!

The entire country of China took 3 minutes of silence today to honour the victims of the Quake.

The entire country shut down for 3 minutes with absolutely everything coming to a halt! The will remain in a limited state of mourning for the next 3 days with many normal festive things cancelled.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Great Wall... and the Olympic Nest Stadium!

Here are some pics from today with Chantal and Karielle at The Great Wall...

Also the Ceramine Factory....

And Jade Factory Outlet....

And of course the Olympic Nest Stadium.. home of the 2008 Olympic Games!

Moved hotels...Made it to Beijing!

Chantal and Karielle flew 3 hours on Saturday to Bejing. Karielle slept 50% of the time on the plane and did not fuss for one second!

Here she is at the Hotel on relaxing on the bed...

And here is a video clip of Karielle in one of here laughing moods...

Over the next few days they will be visiting the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and other local attractions around the Beijing area.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Bath time!

Of course you knew these where coming... she LOVES to take a bath! Splashing and all! Ready for swimming lessons!

Yes, that is her in the "sink"...

Making some waves and splashing....
And of course she then slept another 10 hours straight... it is now obvious that this is a routine thing.... How lucky are we... AN ANGEL!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Another day..

Karielle slept another 10 hours straight... that makes every night so far! Amazing! Here she is crashed out!

Another picture of Karielle after getting all dressed to go out for another day...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day at the "Shoe Mall" .... "Year of the Rat"...

Here is a pic of Chantal and Karielle in the "Shoe Mall". That is right... a mall that only sells shoes! Also a huge rat display for the "year of the rat"!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It is now official!! Karielle is a Roy!

Chantal signed the last papers today and Karielle is now officially a member of the Roy family!

Here she is a dressed up for bed after the long day of more paperwork and fun!

Karielle has slept both nights solid for 10 hours! She is eating everything Chantal has been giving her so far with no problems.... Mom has the "magic" touch... it is very obvious! Not one tear so far from her.... what an angel!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mom & Karielle playing...

Here is Chantal & Karielle playing on the bed in the hotel room...


We have Karielle!!! Chantal got Karielle at 5:15AM our time this morning!!!

She is amazing! Does Chantal look happy?

Here is Chantal, Karielle and one of her caregivers...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Chantal has arrived safe & sound!!!

Chantal made it just fine... a little tired but fine and excited about the days to come...
Here is the bed for Karielle that awaited her upon arrival...

The view outside of the hotel room...

And here is Chantal inside one of the hotels where they went to eat lunch... beautiful!

The next pic/post will be Chantal with Karielle! Finally!! Stay tuned....