Monday, May 12, 2008

Mom & Karielle playing...

Here is Chantal & Karielle playing on the bed in the hotel room...


Anonymous said...

Oh My, can see the happiness in Chantal in the pictures. Karielle looks so beautiful, contented and happy!!

Can't wait to see them home in Moncton...will be following their journey every day.

Judy, Alan and Sarah MacKenzie

Madison is Finally HOME! said...

Congratulations! Karielle is so cute and Chantal you look over the moon happy! I'm sure Big Sis and Big Brother are excited to see their little Sister and can't wait for her to be home.

Tracy, Chris & Madi

Mike and Cheryl said...

Karielle looks so happy with her Mom!!! She is so content with her.
Everytime we hear of someone travel to China, it renews our hopes of getting there too!!!
Cheryl and Mike Morrison